Toppers ad volume and length to your existing hairHas your hair lost its volume? Is your scalp becoming more and more visible? You could be experiencing alopecia. Alopecia is the medical term for baldness or hair loss. Various changes in health, hormones, stress, or inherited genes can trigger an onset of alopecia. While everyone’s situation is different, the solution can be an easy fix. Alternative hair-wearing such as wigs or toppers can mask hair loss and keep you looking your best. Hair restoration professionals are just a call or click away. Why should you consider alternative hair-wearing? Here are three reasons why a hair system or wig could be right for you.

Regain Your Freedom

Hair loss can feel restricting. Depending on the cause, you may hide baldness through hat-wearing or isolating yourself from everyday activities. Wearing alternative hair can allow you the freedom to feel good and participate in activities without worrying. Hair systems or toppers become a regular part of your day through their versatile installation. They will feel like your own hair and can blend into any existing hair you have.

Tailor the Hair to You

Alternative hair can be as discreet or dramatic as you wish. Want to be a blonde one day and a redhead the next? Wigs may be for you. Want a natural look while utilizing existing hair? A topper may be for you. Both wigs and toppers can deliver a seamless and healthy appearance. With so many customizable options such as volume, color, and ventilation, hair-wearing can be tailored specifically to your needs. Ventilation is the way a hair system is looped or parted. It can create a realistic hair strand pattern, so you do not need to worry about looking fake or artificial.

Wigs and Toppers are more affordable than you might think.Hair-wearing is More Affordable Than You Think

Many hair restoration clinics and salons now serve clients on a subscription-like basis. You can now confidently wear alternative hair through monthly installations at a fraction of the total cost. Not only are your salon visits addressing your thinning hair, but they are also maintaining and strengthening your existing hair. Think of it as an investment in you. You will reap the benefits of having a full head of hair and feel at ease knowing you’re being cared for by professionals.

Whatever the circumstance may be, alopecia is not an end-all headache. Alopecia takes many forms, and it is vital to handle hair loss seriously. Talk with a hair professional to see what wig or hair system options are for you.

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